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Veteran Owned and Managed Company. 


Welcome to Ship World Brokerage & Maritime Exchange.

We are a "Licensed & Bonded" full Service Worldwide Brokerage Firm.
We are fully Authorized and licensed by the Laws pertaining to this business in the State of Florida, USA.
We provide at no cost to our clients bank Escrow account.(J.P. Morgan CHASE)  USA 

                   "We have financing now available for commercial and private vessels to qualified buyers."
TO THE SHIP,BOAT,MEGA/SUPER YACHT COMMERCIAL VESSEL AND EQUIPMENT SELLER: We are a trusted business partner and our commitment is to you. Ship World Brokerage, will always hold steadfast our first priority which is to act ethically and efficiently to meet the goals and objectives of our clients.


The most expensive thing in the world is trust. It can take years to earn and a matter of seconds to lose.
Our professional network of brokers have received training in marketing, advertising,market analysis and other strategies that are critical when expediting the sale of your vessel.
Our goal is to get the best price in the shortest amount of time. No longer do you have to rely on local markets and services to sell your Ship or Yacht. Our brokers are knowledgeable in the world market and know how to get your vessel in front of the global community!
TO THE VESSEL BUYER: Our mission is to get you in the Ship or Yacht of your dreams, in time for you to enjoy and/or start making money or both.
We will coordinate the independent survey with a surveyor of your choice, we provide you with their contact information, financing if necessary. Anticipating your individual vessel requirements is a crucial part of our services. Our national and International network of brokers will help you find the right vessel at the right price.
We are a trusted business partner and our commitment is to you. Ship World Brokerage will always hold steadfast our first priority which is to act ethically and efficiently to meet the goals and objectives of our clients.


Mission Statement

"Our purpose is to effectively serve the users of sea transport, as well as other like interests in all types of vessels & yachts by providing superior quality service, cost effective solutions, and error-free performance".

"God does not give us overcoming life:   He gives Us life as we overcome"
Confidence...“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”


Cruise Ship, Passenger Ship, Barge, Deck Barge, Ship for Sale, Ship for Charter, Ocean Going Ship, Ferry, RO/RO, RO/Pax Ferry, Passenger Vessel, Cruise Ship For Sale, Passenger Ship for Sale, RO/Pax Ferry For Sale, Cruise Ship For Charter, Passenger Ship For Charter, RO/PAX Ferry For Charter

#Cruise Ship,#Passenger Ship,#Barge,#Deck Barge,#Ship for Sale,#Ship for Charter,#Ocean Going Ship,#Ferry, #RO/RO, #RO/Pax Ferry, #Passenger Vessel,# Cruise Ship For Sale,# Passenger Ship for Sale, #RO/Pax Ferry For Sale,# Cruise Ship For Charter,# Passenger Ship For Charter,# RO/PAX Ferry For Charter,#Sailing Catamaran,#Sailing yacht,#cruising yacht, #Racing Sailboat.#Survey Vessel

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Mathew Moen Office USA / Darko Mikulandra office Croatia of: Ship World Brokerage LLC


Specifications are provided for general information only. We cannot guarantee the correctness of given information or be liable for any inaccuracy or warrant the condition of ships, equipment and yachts. All dimensions, capacities, speeds etc. are approximate. All information given is subject to fair, wear and tear. We therefore recommend clients to have yachts, specifications and information thoroughly checked and surveyed for accuracy by an independent qualified marine surveyor / inspector and purchase only subject to satisfied inspection, survey and sea trial. Ships, yachts and equipment are offered subject to still being for sale. Unless seller and purchaser have agreed this specification and information in signing in contract, we reserve the right to change specification, price etc. without prior notice. We are not responsible for the outcome of our publications and activities as result thereof.


If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach

them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.

Mathew Moen


North Fort Myers, Florida, USA​


Swearingen Merlin 300 

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